Seller's Guide
First, congratulations on the decision to sell your home. Moving is stressful for everyone involved, but everything will run smoother when you know your house is ready and all systems are going. This guide will help you prepare, stage, and price your home for selling quickly in any market.
Selling your home can be a daunting task. But with the correct information, it doesn't have to be. This guide will provide you with everything you need to know to sell your home quickly and for the best price possible. From preparing your home for sale to negotiating with buyers, we'll cover it all. So whether you're just starting to think about selling or are already in the midst of the process, read on for tips and advice that will help make the sale go smoothly.
When selling your house, The Dwelling Group's team will work with you to create a personalized plan that gets the most money for it. We'll help make sure potential buyers know what they're getting themselves into by carefully preparing before listing on marketplaces so when those interested come knocking - there is nothing left but satisfied customers.
Let's start!
If you're considering selling your home right now, look at the market before putting your house on the market. If you wait too long and prices drop, even more, it might be challenging to sell your home for the price you want or need to get out of it. Some people believe they will have better luck if they choose a specific season to list their property, but this isn't true as there is always someone looking for a new place.
When you're ready to sell your house, there are a few things that should be considered. One of these is making sure all parties involved (like yourself or an agent) have what they need when it comes time for each step in the process; if anything isn't suitable, then don't worry about following every little detail precisely as outlined here - provide any necessary additional information and documentation at relevant points throughout this guidebook on how best accomplish those goals.
Preparing the property
You should also give your home an overall update before you put it on the market, but don't get carried away with spending too much money to improve the layout of the rooms. A potential buyer might have a different design in mind for their new place, and they don't want to buy your house just because you redid one room when they would've preferred a different floor plan in that area.
When a home is on the market, many things need to be taken care of. One thing you should do is let your current real estate agent know about any potential sale so they can include it in their next "Open House," or listing party held out for communities around them.
Several things come with being a serious seller, and one is carrying out a home inspection. Reputable home inspectors aren't afraid to be critical and let the prospective buyer know about every possible problem with the house. It's not their job to make it look like there are fewer problems with the property because this would give them an inaccurate picture of what they are buying.
You should hire a professional inspector to inspect your home before putting it on the market because if they spot any severe problems, you will have time to fix these things before buyers come through for showings. For example, if your roof needs replacement or repair work, then you could get into contact with a roofing company that does quality work at affordable costs. You can ask other people who've had roofs repaired or replaced what roofing companies they recommend.
Another thing is staging, which means getting rid of items in the house that aren't necessary and making everything look as tidy as possible so buyers can imagine themselves living there. An excellent way to do this is by using neutral colors on the walls when drawing up a color scheme for the rooms and having storage units installed to make the spaces look more prominent.
You can ask a real estate agent for advice concerning these changes if you feel like you don't know enough about buyers' current tastes and preferences in your area, or search online for home decorating ideas that would fit your property's style. This way, people will at least imagine themselves living there when they come through for showings because it looks like they could quickly move in without doing anything drastic to the house.
The perfect agent
You can sell your house yourself. However, it's a time-consuming process requiring real estate industry knowledge. This option allows you to save on commission costs but limits price negotiation power, leading to issues securing the highest possible sales price.
The best real estate agent is someone who understands your needs, wants, and desires. To find that perfect match, you need to know what personality traits suit the type of work they do best and how much time it will take to represent both parties during negotiations or inspections.
Your objectives, communication style, and support level are the most significant factors determining which real estate agent is best for you. It would help if you also thought about what personality traits suit your needs personally.
The idea of hiring someone to help you with the process is not new, but, interestingly, more than 84% percent rely on their realtor for this service. With so many buyers and sellers looking into how they can get things done these days quickly - especially when there are similar situations beforehand- having an agent walk them through every step may make sense instead.
Try online!
You've probably heard the old cliché: location, location, location. It's a phrase that has been repeated so many times it's almost become trite. But in real estate, it's true: location matters. Location is everything when you're trying to sell a home. The right neighborhood can bump up your house's value anywhere from 5-30%. The wrong one can knock 20% off its value in a heartbeat. Here's what you need to know about online selling.
So before you put your house on the market, make sure it's going to be competitive with other homes in your area - not just immediately adjacent or across the street, but in similar neighborhoods as well. Here are some online resources for finding out what kinds of properties are selling near you and how much they're going for.
Now anyone can put their home online and market it to a global audience of potential buyers for free using online tools like Craigslist. Your text should give some basic information about the house and then focus on the benefits of living there. Also, try to include as many photos of rooms that your target audience might find interesting. Be sure to have pictures taken from different angles and during other times of day, so people can see how natural lighting changes the look of rooms.
Make sure you have a good photo of the front of the house. Remember that people are more comfortable making their decision if they can connect with other people on a personal level.
Once you've gotten all of these things done, set up an account on Zillow or another real estate website where potential buyers can go online to get more information about your house. Instead of vague descriptions, give them specific details, such as the exact square footage and amenities. Zillow will walk you through some of these steps if you aren't sure how to make an account, but all you need is a name and email. If your house happens to be one of their featured homes, it can attract more buyers to check out the property.
Price it right, and you'll get offers; the price is too high, and your house may never sell. Learn how to analyze a neighborhood's comparables and determine a fair market value for your home. On average, it takes about 120 days to sell a home in the United States.
In 2020, homes were listed on sale for a median of three weeks, and 50% percent accepted an offer from buyers in two or less! Homes are being sold faster than ever before, and more buyers have been approved for loans.
The selling price of a house is typically determined by the market value, which is based on comparable properties in the area that have recently been sold. When preparing your home for sale, it's essential to make sure all appliances are clean and functional, rooms are painted neutrally, and clutter is removed from all areas of the home. It's also a good idea to replace any broken windows or damaged exterior parts such as gutters and fascia boards. You may be able to claim these costs as tax-deductible selling expenses.
When all parties are happy with the process, it can take just days to sign a purchase and sale agreement. Most lenders will now require proof of funds before they allow them to do so.
The proof of funds letter is a document that requires the buyer to verify they have enough money available for their upcoming real estate transaction. It might include current bank statements, pay stubs or W2 forms, and similar paperwork.
Closing time aka getting formalities done
You're almost done! The time has come for you to enjoy what is sure to be one of the most exciting moments in your life.
In this contract, both sides will clearly state what they agree to regard features/conditions of the home for sale and how these issues are handled by each party involved at closing time. Usually, it includes parking spaces or accessory buildings that should be specified upfront, so everyone knows exactly what's expected before making a final purchase decision.
When all of the proper documentation has been completed and submitted, a real estate transaction should take between 30-50 days to be finalized.
The last step is handing over keys to new owners, who will usually pay their balance during an inspection period of two weeks.
This time frame may vary widely depending on who you choose as your representative throughout this process; however, it's usually best if people wait at least six weeks before moving into their new home or office space to ensure there won't be any last-minute glitches that could cause them trouble later down the road!
The Dwelling Group - the perfect choice
As you can see, there are many things to consider when selling your home. We hope this guide has helped provide an overview of the process and some valuable tips for maximizing your chances at a successful sale. If you have any other questions or need help with anything else related to buying or selling property, please don't hesitate to contact us anytime.
When you're ready to sell your property, we'll be there with all the updates and paperwork. We aim to make this process seamless and worry-free for you. That's why our company has created comprehensive guidelines, so there are no risks involved in dealing with us. You can depend on The Dwelling Group!